
The Foundation

Secrets of Veldhoven Board Members
Wiel Berden, chairman
Tiny Leijten, secretary
Tiny Renders, treasurer

Jac van Lieshout, content management
Bianca Kuijpers, communication
Jan Keeris, design
Jan van Gestel, web management

Secrets of Veldhoven Previous Committee Members
Jan Bressers, Vera Diebels, Ton van den Hurk, Anny Jenniskens,
Jac van Lieshout, Louis Schats, Bob Tielen, Frans Loots †

The Secrets of Veldhoven Foundation will eventually be completely absorbed into the Erfgoedhuis Veldhoven Association.

Foundation’s goals
The aim of our foundation remains intact: to provide easily accessible information about the history of Veldhoven and its historically relevant places. The ‘Art in Public Space’ section and soon also the ‘Tree Routes’ will be a part of this cooperation These objects often have a connection, or are part of the history of Veldhoven.